Tuesday, August 19, 2014

What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up? A Startup Of Course

It is a long road to go but I'm not leaving it. What do you want to be when you grow up they always asked me. I never knew. I made up answers that was typical. The President of the United States, an astronaut, a t.v. anchor.

School. It never was for me. At least the way school was then, and maybe still is today.

I wish they had a program for people like me. I am the one who got bored with the teachings and found a better place to be while in class. It was my mind of fantasy. I'd look out the window and watch life outside, and dream up all kinds of stories in my head, while the teacher was teaching the foundation of what could help me right now. Grammar and math. Oh how I need those two subjects today. 

My education was spent in fantasy land. I had to escape the childhood I was living in, and to go to places of wonderment in my head. This was the place I loved. I loved it so much, I still have not stopped that world even today. Fantasy in my brain is my world of endless joy. Nothing bad ever happens in fantasy land.

No evil, no cruelty, no endless misery.

I used to think something was wrong with me for living in a fantasy land as an adult. I felt like part of my mind didn't want to grow up. I know why now, this fantasy land in my head dominates me. It's the reason I can think of ideas. It's the reason people say to me "How do you think of these things?" as if they have no creative thought pattern in their own head. To me creating is super easy. It's just a matter of putting in data from what I know on the outside world into the inside world of my mind. When I mix those two together, I get ideas. Those ideas are fantasy. They are the story line I play in the brain to entertain myself.

Now I seek to entertain you with my fantasy world. Building startups is my canvas to bring to you my art. It's participation art. 

When I spread my fantasy out onto the people of the world, my desire is to bring to you a fantasy of joy. A fantasy that can pierce into your heart and cut out all the pain. To put a smile on your face that gives you hope to live on no matter how hard the struggle may be for you now. If you go into fantasy land you can be free of any misery. 

Often I talk about myself being crazy. I am crazy in many ways. I'm so very risky. Because I live in two worlds, fantasy and the real world, this causes me the crazy's. 

I know I'm not going to cut my ear off or run down the street naked. I'm going to build. I'm going to keep making my canvass bigger so that you can be on it. I'm going to be the answer to "What do you want to be when you grow up?"

My answer is. I'm the fantasy that impacted the world. That's what I'm going to be when I grow up. 


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