Denver startup week is coming up in September and someone sent me an invite to present my startup on stage. Well, I didn't think much about it, and shot off some sloppy scraps of data and told the man what Passdown is. I didn't realize until later I was supposed to send a pitch. Woops. It wasn't really a pitch, it was just the facts of what Passdown is, and some snippets of the web site build. I also included in my note "I hope I don't get picked, I'll be nervous to be on stage"
Yep, just the thought of having to be on stage in front of an audience makes my stomach ache. Terror fills my mind.
Myself, I love going to pitching events. I've been to a few. It's really great to go to these type of events as a founder, you can learn how to pitch when watching others. I've seen great pitches and the sad ones that didn't make sense and the person bombed! That's my fear! Making a complete fool of myself and not being able to pitch the company in a good light.
Surprisingly the man sent an email back to me and said "I hope you do get picked, this is something I had not thought much about!" and we will help you so you won't be as nervous.
Uhh Ohhh, I could be in serious "nervous hell trouble." Here it is, what a founder must do. A founder has to wear many hats. A founder has to do all kinds of things they don't want to do.I remember how much I hated all the legal paperwork, filing documents with the government. There is a ton of things when building a business that I do not like, and speaking in front of a crowd is at the top of my list!
I have to remember it's for Passdown not me. If I do get picked to be one of the presenters getting my scared as hell ass on stage would only benefit Passdown. It may open up some doors. Doors that lead to additional team members. Doors that help bring the service to you.
The only thing I have going for me to not get picked is my sloppy submission. The only thing I have going for Passdown to get picked is, well, it seems to be a startup idea that makes people excited around the world!
I'll let you know if I have to take the stage! Yikes! I think I might vomit right now!
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