Friday, August 15, 2014

Luxuary Of The Day For My Startup

Typical life annoyances happened to me as I started my day. First the coffee filter got stuck and when I went into the kitchen to fetch my first cup of coffee for the day, it had been pouring out all over the counter and not into the pot. A hot disaster. I had to clean up with the desire to sip the overflow off the counter with my mouth.

Later this morning I jumped into my car with my daughter heading out to a Doctor appointment. Turned the car key and there was absolutely nothing. No sound, no engine cranking, no power! Luckily we had another vehicle we could take.

Still the funny disruptions of challenge came upon me. I had this song I was in desire of downloading cause I needed my music fix. Yep I downloaded it or so I thought, but only to the the google or microsoft program on my pc, I could not find the file anywhere on my pc to load it onto other devices. I could only listen to it on my lap or my cell. Where the hell did they put the file? I paid for it, and I wanted to put it on my mp3 player for my workouts. Hmmm, still have not found the solution to that mystery of the day.

Finally I started pounding out idea data into my startup build, and here was the luxury of the day. The creative in me, came out to put a stamp on all the annoying frustrations of the day. It turned on it's shining light of amazement to me. Fooling me, as it always fools. Feeling as if it's some other entity coming up with these ideas in me. I mean, how could it be me? It seems to amazing for me to think these creative ideas come out of me. 

I will continue on until sleep must overtake my body. Listening to my new sounds, ever building for you something from the elusive entity that possess my soul to create. 

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