Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Homeless Person In The Park

As I went on my daily walk with my nephews dog Jenny in the park, I bought two brand new t-shirts with me. When I reached the spot I saw the homeless person the day before, the person was again sleeping under a tree. I tossed the t-shirts, and walked away. Yes the person is alive as I saw the sleeping bag move. That thought always crosses my mind when I come upon a homeless person. 

Now I have no idea if it's a man or woman, or the age, as the person has been bundled up in the sleeping bag both days. It's been getting a bit nippy overnight here in Denver. Too cold for me to sleep outside!

I was mad at myself as I had planned to stick some cash in the t-shirts, but I forgot. So I'm heading over to the the store and buy some clean underwear and wool socks for this person. I wonder if they have unisex underwear? I think I'll make a care package bundle for tomorrows walk.

The Colorado River Near Hot Sulphur Springs, Co

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