Sunday, October 26, 2014

Standing Up For The Idea

In the November print issue of Entrepreneur magazine The Editor In Chief Amy C.Cosper writes a lovely editor's note titled: The Idea Machine. I really like this editorial note Ms Cosper has written, as so often I seem to run into people who like to slam your "idea" as worthless, just because it's "only an idea" and after all ideas are worthless without execution. Everyone has idea's, who cares about your crazy idea? Ms Cosper and I do.

I find Ms Cospers short little piece to be ever inspiring and to take a stand for ideas. I myself get aggravated at people who like to toss others into the street because they don't care about your idea's. They go around spewing out judgemental speak about your billion dollar idea. All businesses started with an idea. As Ms Cosper points out that companies have to constantly use ideas To "take your company in a new direction:product lines, marketing-whatever." 
A Cardboard Cutout. My Brothers Idea To Help Our
Blind Mother Find The Buttons On
Her Kindle. 

Even a man I hire to help me with wordpress told me "You're not getting into Y Combinator, because you have, just an idea" as if ideas are worthless to accelerators. If my team had no idea we certainly would not get in. I would think because we do have an idea, and we are executing it, we possible could get in. 

Ideas are everything to me, I have them everyday. It's a normal thought process for me to constantly think of ideas. When I come across a person who shares an idea with me, I do something other than toss them into the street. I encourage them to pursue it. Or I give feedback to help them shape it. For me every idea has worth. It's the starting place of change. 

Here is an idea that I had years ago called PenTags. The idea was that instead
of tapeing fake flowers to pens, people could attach a PenTag, and get some advertising all the while keeping the pen around longer. I actually auditioned for the T.V. show American Inventor, which only aired for one season I believe. The producer liked my idea. 

Keep building your startups and coming up with ideas! 

The entire November 2014 issue of Entrepreneur Print magazine is devoted to Ideas, looking forward to reading it! 

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