Yes, I am aware of it. Yet people who are good at grammar cannot put themselves in my position. They cannot live my life, and see what happened in third grade. They cannot see the book on my desk (A Writer's Reference by Diana Hacker) They cannot see all the grammar apps I have and use. They cannot know the struggle it is for me to write every blog post, and fill out accelerator applications with a child's skill as an adult. They don't know the anguish that I have as being the leader of my startup team, and my team can out grammar me, and that I might shame them. They cannot walk in my shoes and feel the shame they shame me with, when even I, do not feel shame, I only feel sad that my communication is limited because of my education and skills, and that may lead to people not understanding me and my team. Yes I have tears.
I have so much to offer the world, and I will not let the judgement of my grammar stop me. Should I be a certain education level to impact the world? I think not. Even small children impact the world. Why do I have to have a highly qualified education to be acknowledged as human or intelligent? What if you found me on some remote island and I was from an ancient tribe that shot down airplanes with arrows, and then you taught me your knowledge, yet I could only do it so well? Would you still persecute me for my lack of educational skills? Most likely you'd admire me.
The grammar police do not walk in my shoes, they do not know how much I struggle. They do not know because it's easy for them. It's not easy for me, and it probably never will be. The wires in my head for grammar are tangled. It could be impossible to untangle them. I don't care, I have to go on writing poorly, I have to write, because I can impact others, even if my writing is that of a child. It's me, and that's what I will be.
All Humans Deserve Respect |
I cherish all humanity, and everyones gift no matter what level you are at. If you're an adult with a child level or a child with an adult level, or just like most of us, average, we are all humans on this earth and we all deserve to be respected for who we are. Not judged and condemned by the education police.
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