Friday, October 10, 2014

My Little Beautiful Technology Girl Rocks!

My daughter Leah is an amazing writer. She is eleven years old and she types faster than anyone I have ever seen. In fact even though she learned how to type the correct way, she chose not to. She only uses the first two fingers and her thumb on both hands. Mostly she uses the index finger on both hands, and she types furiously with the one finger hit method. She can out type anyone.(I'm not kidding) It's like an unhandicapped person typing with a handicap, and she blows everyone away!

She has all her fingers, yet she found it's faster if she uses less fingers. Why she chooses to type this way, as she has learned the correct way is, well her way. It's fast! I'm okay with it.

She can type faster than almost anyone. As I hear her type it's almost annoying, I remember yelling at her on our summer vacation. When everyone went to sleep, there she was pounding the keyboard like a freight train out of control, keeping us awake. I had to tell her to type quietly or go to bed. She complied.

If her typing is not amazing, her ability to get traction is. She is in in the world and she shines. She posted an article in May and right now she has 6K reads on it, and many other stories of hers has reads in the thousands, WOW. I'm a struggling entrepreneur and I would die to have 6K hits in as many months. I'm blown away. These young kids of the internet age, rock the world like it's easy. It's nothing to get 6K reads to them. Well, yeah it is. It's something, and she just types away. My little beautiful technology girl, well, she rocks! She knows how to lay it down with meaning. All her furiously typing, has lead to good things. Yep, if her startup mother fails, well, she'll come behind me and make the world a better place. I have no doubt! 

: - ) Love her!

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