Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Founder Heading Into Legal Marijuana Industry

Today I applied for a Marijuana Support Employee License in my state of Colorado. I'm still building my startup Passdown, yet I do need a day job to support my habit of chasing crazy ideas.
People waiting to get finger printed and photo taken

I had been working in the healthcare field for the last six years. I do love taking care of people, but the downside of the job is cleaning up poop, urine, vomit, blood, and other very gross bodily fluids. I think I've had my fill of that. 

My sister in law had gotten a large supply of the medical marijuana oil to give to her dying husband in his last weeks of life. It proved twofold as it helped him have an appetite and eased his pain. This lead me to think about this new industry in my state. To me it's like a bunch of startups, all selling virtually the same thing, pot. 

It could be hard to get a job, as the Marijuana Enforcement Division office was very busy this morning. It's open five days a week. That's a lot of people looking for jobs. Of course the MED offers many different types of license, some people were there to get a group license to start a grow facility or a retail outlet. Lots of us were there just to get a support badge which makes us legal to work in the industry. You can't work without one. They gave me this lanyard.

I found it to be one of the strangest feelings in my life. Even though the medical pot shops have been blocks from my house for years, and it has been totally legal for recreational pot for just over a year now, it still seems to be unreal. How can marijuana be legal? WOW, so surreal and beautifully amazing!

Personally I don't smoke pot, but I'm considering doing a regimen of the edibles to treat my bouts with "High functioning Depression" It's not like I ever felt depressed or couldn't function in life. It's just that I go into dark places. Why I'll never know. So if this medical marijuana helps children with seizures and people dying from cancer, maybe it will set me free from the monster I have to live with? From the tormentor of my soul. 

Knowing me, I'll see something when working in the industry. I'll have another startup idea to build. That's just fine with us treps! : - ) When I pass the background check, in seven to ten days I will get my badge to attach to the lanyard. And by the way, green is my favorite color.

*Thanks for all the love and support you have given me. It means more than you know. My heart is filled with your good. 

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