Saturday, June 21, 2014

Giants In The Startup World and Lucky Girl

I used to be the most unlucky person in the world. Getting the shaft, just made me fall into self-pity and self-doubt all the more. Being beat down by bullies only smeared gobs of pain upon my pain. 

One day I decided to change. I started doing things I would never do. Like work out and eat healthy. One day I decided that every lie in my head had to go. Yet, rooting out those lies is so much harder than pulling a weed from the yard. The roots of negative are strong and a nuisance to one's soul. 

Yet I have been determined to not waste my life on useless thoughts, that only hurt me and others. I wanted to become the person I'd always known I was, but I had no self-esteem to become that person who helps others. A strong person, a confident person, maybe not as bright as the genius, but a person who could hang with them, because, after all, I sort of have their handicap. 

I don't know what kindness cloud has fallen on me, but lately Giants in the startup world are taking notice of me. Yet I don't want them to notice me, I want them to notice my ideas. I seek to make humanity shine. And maybe teach people whom are bullied not to retaliate in a negative way, like Columbine. My retaliation is going to be positive. If bullies hurt me, then I will work extra hard to make someones elses life special. If bullies beat down my heart, then I will work extra hard to find people I can bless with love. If bullies destroy my dreams, I will work extra hard to build new dreams.  

For some unknown reason, some people get picked on more then others. It never makes any sense, to purposely hurt another human being with dished out humanity killing cruelty. 

If I could end bullying ~ That's what I would do. And maybe building startups is how I will do it. 

For now I am lucky girl. Standing in the shadows, Leary, as if who?  Could any of these people I'm crossing paths with, be a bully? Will they come on sweet then change to cruel? Who can I trust? NO ONE. Not even the Giants of the startup world. Yet, I want to, I want to believe kindness coming on is true, and it won't turn into a nightmare that rips me into pieces of discarded trash. 

Yeah, I'm lucky girl............................

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