Friday, June 24, 2016

Trep Enjoying The Day Job

Today was a great day at my day job, which I consider my side job. My startup work is always my real job. I have an interesting day job. I work in the Central Monitor room of a hospital. We monitor the patient's heart rhythms; you would be surprised at all the different human heart beats. 

It was a slow day so we had time to talk amongst ourselves a bit, as usually we do not. It was a great opportunity to bond with each other and build a stronger team. We were making up funny things and laughing at just about anything. Silly crazy stuff. Then Megan asked me "how's your new startup?" I told her I don't know. I really love it and want to be a part of Kazamster as I can get behind the founders smart idea! (Playlist converter) 

Yet, I'm not college trained. I'm not typical, I'm most likely not what these two brilliant men expect or hoped for. I'm off the map in many ways and I often consider myself an outlier. I've had some mishaps or not sure what to call them 'not good interactions with them in respect to my work' so I sweep my soul across the floor dreaming that learning disabilities don't exist, that I graduated college, and my oddness wasn't so easily seen.

Megan promptly noted that I write great post and my style is awesome! And what I do is amazing! (now that's a good friend) Then she of course, as funny as she is,she brought up the day the staff looked up all of us on Urban Dictionary (when I was not at work) She said: Jana we could not believe that you were the only one that actually fit the description, and we all thought it was AMAZING. 

Oh oh, let me look this up I said. 
Urban Dictionary: Jana 
Yep, pretty much sums up who I am. : - ) Not really a spy though. All this is true of me. Especially the part that people think "I'm crazy, dangerous, powerful and straight up weird. Even the people at work were surprised and trapped in awe of it. Cause their urban dictionary descriptions of their names didn't fit them at all. When they read mine they all knew it was true! Now that's weird!

I laughed with them. It' so funny. I am who I am. I will never be some polished professional, but I may achieve high places. 

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