Sunday, August 16, 2015

Injecting The Entrepreneur Desire

This is my first draft of a book I'm writing with an Egyptian friend of mine. Not sure what it's to be about, It's another way to create. It's not edited. Of course you know, I suck at grammar, even when edited. 

Injecting The Entrepreneur Desire

Standing with my lanky skinny eleven year old body in the south doorway of our kitchen, I watched my dad struggle to open a bottle of pills. I do not know what kind of medicine it was, but my father needed it.

He opened it, and announced “who ever invented putting cotton inside the bottle made a million dollars” My forehead wrinkled in thought. I stood there watching him, saying nothing to him, wondering, how can someone make a million dollars putting cotton into a pill bottle?

I'm eleven years old, and the meaning of money was not misunderstood to me, as the lack of it was our daily living. It was 1972 and we were living the middle class dream, well, sort of. I wouldn't say we were the lower class poor, but we barely scratching by as middle class Americans. We were a family with six children and two parents who didn't go to college. Two parents who found what ever job they could to support the family and my fathers drinking habit. We had our secrets, and shame was the top of the list. My mother hid it best she could.

So this is the day that the dreaded 'American Dream' entered my body though my ears with the wonderment of what my father had announced. Someone had made millions of dollars by inventing the idea of putting cotton into a bottle! Hallelujah!

Surly I ran off to scream and play with the neighborhood kids carrying the dream tucked into my mind to entice, drive and torment me throughout my life.

Childhood was fun, sometimes. Mostly it was painful for me. I was born different as my mother had told me one day. She said “all the children came along” as she slashed the air with her hand counting each child, and then came me, and the slash stopped short. “You were different”. What that meant to me was, that I was difficult. I was a trouble for the family. I couldn't go along with their will's, I had to follow mine. My almost twin brother Mark, suffered because he witnessed my suffering. He hated himself the moment he had to turn on me and bully me because he didn't want to go against the majority. I'm almost positive his life’s destruction was because of the messed up cruelty children do to each other. Children do not know how to treat each other, or at least the ones who have no parents around.

During my childhood, on the other side of the world, across an ocean, in the place where so much history lives, a baby was born. A boy who would one day become my friend. Who would not only create for me, but share his dreams with me. Him and I decided we should change the world. We share the problem that we want to create gifts that will help humanity, but to do that, we suffer.

Monday, August 10, 2015

A Treps Stale Bag Of Chips

I don't know how to make it better. What better? Oh, the misery that keeps attacking me, blind siding me, and pretending to be NORMAL. Repeating questions,and wondering why I have to keep repeating the answers. It's simple to me. Do it, or don't. The past is only a reference of how we fucked up, or did something good. It's not the place holder for how we should do it now.

You haven't noticed that I've grown up in all kinds of ways. I hit the age where my brain changed. With you, it's still some kind of loop...repeating. I'm not into repeating. How long have you known me? I like to create. I like to invent. I like to dream. I like to do.

There is no repeat the same old shit with me. That's boring and useless. Did repeating get us anywhere? I want to vomit out all this same old conversation. Didn't you notice it's useless? And not beautiful?

It's painful to keep repeating. That's why I'm a innovated thinker. New discovery is the bridge to love. The bridge to mend. The bridge where we can look over,toss our smiles into it, and know we conquered our evil.

I'm not into the stale bag of chips......